Lovers Tarot
The lovers tarot, love, soulmates and twinflames
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Mix up the cards and divide them into 3 piles and I will tell you your past, present and future in love and relationships, I will go over any interferences preventing you from making progress in your relationships so you may become empowered with the knowledge needed to know what's best moving forward. Know how your love truly thinks and feels about you and why . Am I with my soulmate or is this someone yet to come? will I meet the right person soon and so much more!. The topic of love has always been a challenge throughout history and things have not gotten much easier depending on who you ask. The benefit of having a love reading is to help you know where you stand in your current relationship and if there's trouble if it's possible to solve or not. This is a very detailed reading. In 1781, a French Freemason (and former Protestant minister) named Antoine Court de Gebelin published a complex analysis of the Tarot, in which he revealed that the symbolism in the Tarot was in fact derived from the esoteric secrets of Egyptian priests. De Gebelin went on to explain that this ancient occult knowledge had been carried to Rome and revealed to the Catholic Church and the popes, who desperately wanted to keep this arcane knowledge secret. In his essay, the chapter on Tarot meanings explains the detailed symbolism of Tarot artwork and connects it to the legends of Isis, Osiris and other Egyptian gods. The biggest problem with de Gebelin’s work is that there was really no historical evidence to support it. However, that didn’t stop wealthy Europeans from jumping onto the esoteric knowledge bandwagon, and by the early nineteenth century, playing card decks like the Marseille Tarot were being produced with artwork specifically based on deGebelin’s analysis. In 1791, Jean-Baptiste Alliette, a French occultist, released the first Tarot deck designed specifically for divinatory purposes, rather than as a parlor game or entertainment. A few years earlier, he had responded to de Gebelin’s work with a treatise of his own, a book explaining how one could use the Tarot for divination. As occult interest in the Tarot expanded, it became more associated with the Kabbalah and the secrets of hermetic mysticism. By the end of the Victorian era, occultism and spiritualism had become popular pastimes for bored upper class families. It wasn’t uncommon to attend a house party and find a séance taking place, or someone reading palms or tea leaves in the corner.
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