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You can't fix a problem with the same mindset that created it.2022

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

What Kind Of Help Can Psychic Christine Assist Me With? | psychic Christine Wallace

I can help you release unwanted energy and reconnect to your dreams.

Is your heart feeling the weight of life's burdens? Are you in a relationship that lacks any sense of passion and security leading to bouts with hopelessness. I believe all healing comes from within, which is why my job as an energy healer is to help bring about internal peace so that external issues don't feel insurmountable.

What You Will Be Provided When Choosing To Work With Me

  1. we will find what the root cause of your problems are, why this is there, how it got there and what needs to be done to clear this up

  2. once the above is understood from then on you will have a series of instructions to follow and steps to take to resolve whatever the issue is.such as learning how to meditation, 30 day planner, and Weekly guidance sessions Also a List of Instructions .

  3. In Person Or Via Phone Long Distance Is not A Problem

  4. you will be provided with all the tools you need (some but not limited to ) Oils, Bundles of Herbs, Incense And Spiritual Intention Candles. Books To Read And Much More!

Comment from a client. From Mental health help and feeding the starving spirit

When I first started my journey to mental health, people told me that it would be easy to just get better or at least cope with the issues. However, when you are in a really tough place mentally and have been for years on end without relief It can feel like there is no hope left .

I’ve spent many nights crying myself asleep wondering if anything will ever change but what helped me through those times were little things such as connecting more deeply with God watching inspirational movies listening to uplifting music reading books about hope praying creating art doing whatever comes naturally knowing deep down inside of your soul that even though this moment may seem dark and scary The truth is If we look hard enough We can always find some light.

I believe it's never just one thing that helps someone but a combination of things that make up a solution.

I have rarely turned away anyone from getting help with some issue they are having, no matter how big or small the problem is. I've always been able to find a way to support them in at least one sense. For example, last week I helped someone who was struggling spiritually by teaching him about meditation and mindfulness techniques that he could do on his own time (he's currently very busy).

One of my biggest issues has actually been helping people become stronger spiritually: like going to the gym - you need consistency & hard work over time!.

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