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What is a Curse How Does This Happen?

Best psychic Medium Christine Wallace Digs In Deep To Answer Your Questions And To Test If You Have Been Cursed. To Book A Session At Office 810 Chestnut Street Philadelphia,Pa Call 855-70-TAROT.

You may think that you’re alone in the world, but don’t be deceived – other people have bad vibes too. We all experience them at some point in our lives, no matter how far we’ve come or how stable we are. However, where do these negative feelings come from? Is it something that comes from within us or is there something more sinister going on? These are good questions to ask yourself, because there is much to be aware of when it comes to your own self-confidence and self-worth.

Let me start and say there are many ways to catch bad energy and in many cases they may cause a similar affect but not all bad energy and curses are made equal. Let me begin with with a curse. While the term curse seems outdated and you may envision a witch brewing a spell in her black cauldron with green skin tone something like the Wizard Of Oz there are in fact witches and warlocks out there but in this day and age he/she is probably not looking at all like you imagined. they could very well be blond and beautiful wearing jeans, seakers and a T-shirt. Have you ever been on social media and saw a post or ad offer a spell service for X-amount of dollars? I'll bet you have so I hope this establishes that what I tell you is not something that is from centuries ago, if there weren't ppl interested in casting spells no one would be selling this service and while some may seem hokey to you or unreal there are those who take their work in spell casting very seriously and do perform this ritual but I assure you the price is far more than $25 to get the real thing.

1.What is a curse or bad vibes?

A curse (also called an imprecation, malediction, execration, malison, anathema, or commination) is an expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, "curse"made effective by a supernatural or spiritual power, such as a god or gods, a spirit, or a natural force, or else as a kind of spell by magic (usually black magic) or witchcraft; in the latter sense, a curse can also be called a hex or a jinx. In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result. To reverse or eliminate a curse is sometimes called "removal" or "breaking", as the spell has to be dispelled, and often requires elaborate rituals or prayers.

All of the above are exactly correct as we are able to manifest positive we can also do the reverse, the aspect of the ritual is a very important part and requires a few things to make it work. who they are doing this spell on, why are they doing it, and what they hope to achieve for themselves or others meaning what outcome are they looking for. Is this person justified in their own mind to do such a thing to another person or do they just feel justified, is this solely about revenge, jealousy or something else.

In a way this is like a prayer and if the it does not fit the criteria of good or the greater good it would be rejected by the universe and this will turn into a whole different direction in the manifestation of darkness and sending this toxic energy to it's target person that whatever this the target person say, does, or feels ends of turning against them into mounds of disappointment that then turns into feelings of hopelessness and depression over things like a break up in a relationship you thought was your soulmate, disagreements everywhere, self sabotaging behaviors and negative intrusive thoughts to name a few.

2.Why does it bother me?

It is possible that you may have someone out there that is willing in this energy into your direction out of jealousy or you may have done something unknowingly or knowingly and this is the vengeance they feel toward you. It is also true that if you are in a relationship with someone who is not your real friend and does not wish you well or if they are just a toxic person in general yes you can catch bad vibes like catching a cold, bad energy or a cursed person are highly contagious to others more so that covid-19.

Another possibility is a past life bad karma, to understand this better I highly recommend to get your hands on the book many masters many lives by Brian Weiss

Many seem to think that bad karma is bad because of something bad they did in a past life and this is true but that's not always the case as you will see in the book I referred you could be some traumatic event or even something that was done to you and yes this can have many effects on a person's present life as troubled love life, troubled childhood, terrible self esteem, nightmares and so much more I can't count the only way to really know is to have a past life reading which may require more than one session.

And there's even more and this is self sabotaging which could be a part of any of the above bad energy or curse problem as well but in some cases it's a traumatic event that you have not been able to heal from and it's been mounting up over such a long time it feels like a volcano that needs to burst open but instead attacks itself all of these are an awful thing for a person to have to go through but in many cases there is a light at the end of this tunnel and by seeking help from someone who is truly gifted with the ability to find out for sure what the source of the bad energy is, why this is there and of course whatever need to be doe to clear it up. If you feel that this is anything that might be going on with you the sooner you do something to address this the better, the longer you wait the harder is becomes to fix. If you are ready to look into this do not hesitate to call in or

book a session with me for your convenience I have two locations one @ 810 Chestnut street Philadelphia Pa 19107

And 7156 Thornton Avenue Newark,Ca 94560 Zoom sessions and phone consultations are available call 855-70-TAROT

You can also book online here is the link.

What can I do to combat it?

Meditate, learn how to meditate, Meditation is a game changes and also learn breathing exercises to help vent this toxicity. You could use a good shamanic spiritual cleansing done the right way, the type of cleansing you need would depend of the source of this negative block in some cases a chakra balancing which this is another possibility of what the source could be as well but if I were to go over them all I would never be able to get up from this chair.A house blessing because items and environments can be affected as well, deep clean your home smudge with lavender, rosemary and sage, bring life into your home such as a pet, plants and flowers, playing some music also helps to generate good vibrations.

For more self healing I recommend you go to my course page and learn self reiki this would be quite helpful to you if you don't feel ready to get any spiritual help right now, but please try to do something for yourself daily that will at least put you on the path of getting rid of any darkness in your life. As I mentioned there is so much more to tell on the topic but everyone is different and this is why getting a one on one session is the best thing to do.

So everyone I hope this has helped clear some things up for you if you have any questions please go ahead and comment below I will get back to you. Also check out this link for some ebooks and some extras you might like.

I also very much recommend you clicking this button below to check out this live healing event I believe it will give you a lot of relief and understanding regardless of the source of any toxic vibes causing you trouble

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