Crystals, minerals, and fossils come from the Earth that we call home. They can be quite beautiful, sparkly, shimmery, and sometimes even full of rainbows! A few popular ones you may have seen are Jade, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Tigers Eye, Ruby, and Sodalite.
And while their beauty is lovely, like many of us, their looks aren’t the whole story.
The truth is, crystals can be powerful spiritual tools and healers when used correctly.
The proper care and keeping of them is crucial so that they can be as effective as possible in supporting us.
We’ll talk soon about some more ways to manifest and heal with crystals. This can be powerful stuff! Until then, wearing them as jewelry, carrying as good luck charms, or having them placed around a room or office are great ways to get started with this Magic.
Today, let’s talk about some simple cleansing techniques to support this goodness.
Crystals are great helpers in that they can absorb and transmute negative or heavy energy. This means we need to clean them when they become full. Cleansing is one of the most important steps to keep our crystals feeling good.
And the techniques are simple! Find the one you like best or rotate through them ~ Salt water soak is my personal favorite for cleansing, and I love the moon bathing technique too.
It is a good idea to cleanse a crystal every 2-4 weeks to keep it clear and in good working order.
Salt Water Soak
1. Place the crystals into a mixture of water and salt. (I prefer sea salt to harness the power of the ocean, but any salt will do just fine.)
2. Let them soak for about an hour, and then give them a rinse in regular water, imagining the water washing away the remainder of any energy that needs to go.
3. Thank the crystal and ask that it continue helping you for the highest and greatest good.
The salt water will have absorbed the energy while cleaning, so be sure to dump it out and give the bowl a good rinse too.
This technique works because salt water is a good conductor, so the energy can leave easily. It is for this reason that I prefer using a metal bowl or pot, although any regular bowl will work.
*Certain crystals like selenite and desert rose are not compatible with this technique due to their salt content. They can be cleansed instead by placing them in sunlight or burying them in dirt for a day or so.
Earth Grounding
Bury the Crystal in the earth outside. This can be dirt, sand, or placing the crystal on top of the ground under a bush
Imagine roots made of light flowing from the crystals and into the earth below, all the way to the center
Ask the earth to clear and transmute anything that needs to go, and to fill the crystals with good energy
Collect your crystals after 30 minutes for a quick clean, or leave them up to a few days for extra cleansing.
Buried in the earth is where all crystals came from, so when collecting them, be mindful to thank the crystals and the earth, and set an intention to use them for the highest and greatest good. Every once in a while, you can even offer a crystal back to the earth, or sing for her, or place your hands on the ground and send love and gratitude.
Moonlight Bathing
Set the crystals out under the full moon
Ask the moon to charge them with healthy energy
Ask the moon to clear away any unhealthy energy remaining in the crystals
That’s it! This is a great technique to use with full moon manifesting.
As an added technique, you can also make moon water by leaving a jar of water out next to your crystals in the moonlight. The next day the water will be a powerful healing and manifesting tool to use alongside your crystals. You can place the water in a bath, use it to wash your floors, thresholds, include on an altar or offer it to your houseplants.
Sunshine Charging
Set your crystals in the sunlight, either outside or near a window.
See the sun land on them or come through them. With clear crystals look for any rainbows within the crystal, you may see them if you view the crystal from different angles.
Appreciate their beauty in the sun, complement them, thank them, and see their different colors come out.
This can keep your crystals healthy and having a good energy. Who doesn’t like some sun and a moment of appreciation for their beauty? The sun also fills them with light to clear out any darkness.
After these techniques, you may notice your crystals look brighter, more colorful, more clear, sparkly, more rainbowy, or are physically lighter to hold. These are all signs that your crystals are energetically healthy.
Setting Intentions
Once your Crystals have been cleared, you want to set an intention. This can be as broad as “please support my good positive healthy energy” or as specific as “allow me to make more income and hold onto it well” , “keep me feeling safe, protected, and grounded as I speak with customers”, or “give me clarity and remove illusion so I know what to accept and refuse in my life”.
We will talk more about intention setting in a future post, but I wanted to mention it here since its a good step for crystals after the cleansing. You want to make sure these intentions are loving and do not impose on anyone’s free will. Other than that, the crystals want to assist you in reaching your happiest self and fullest potential, and they love to maintain harmony in our spaces as well.
Keep an eye out for future articles about how to choose the right crystal for you, manifesting with crystals, crystal grids, crystal healing, & magical crystal correspondence.
All my Love and Happy Cleansing!
Evelyn ~