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Preparing for Spiritual Healing Rituals

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

In today’s world, self-care is something that has become common practice. But that self-care consists of mental, physical, and even emotional. But one important practice that tends to be neglected is spiritual. As much as it’s important for us to care for our body and mind, it is more important to grant our spirit the care and comfort it deserves. After all, our spirit is who we truly are. But how can one take the actions to provide their spirit the self-care it deserves? Don’t worry I’ve got you covered. I offer services that can do most of the hard work for you. Clearing negative energies from you emotionally, spiritually, and physically. But that’s not all, we’ll be going over other methods to achieve complete balance. But know that not every method will work for everyone. Keep an open mind and willingness to take on the tasks.


Spiritual self-care is providing the soul with the nourishment it needs to provide us with a sense of balance. Connecting with your soul, regardless of your beliefs. This can be spiritual self-care in the form of honoring a higher power. While for others it could only be about honoring the power you hold within.

But for those who feel powerless or have no higher power to turn to. I offer guidance to unlocking your true potential. As long as your spirit is provided the nourishment it needs for your soul to strike a balance within. Acquiring Happiness and the ability to feel at peace.

  • Protection

  • Peace and Harmony

  • Resurrection

  • Inner Strength

  • Cooperation


1. Meditating

One of the best ways to nurture your soul is through meditation. However, the idea behind meditation holds some fallacies. It is the practice of focusing the mind on a particular thought or object. Bringing self-awareness and gaining mental clarity. But there is no right or wrong way to meditate. Simply providing your mind with the opportunity to enter a flow state where your body is occupied, and your mind has the opportunity to wander. During this spiritual affirmations can be weaved together to provide a refreshing sense of balance.

When meditating gently guide your mind to connect with your soul. And offer it some of the following statements.

  • I am a peaceful soul, peace is my own nature

  • I am an almighty master

  • Success will certainly happen to me

  • I have achieved so much and am proud of myself.

  • I am grateful for _____.

  • All will be well

2. Connect with Nature

Everything that grows from the earth. That is apart of the Earth. Is connected and therefore apart of something greater. Take some time to feel that energy and allow yourself to connect to it.

Take your shoes off, allow yourself to set roots into the planet as trees do.

Venture into nature in hopes of connecting with your spirit animals, which can offer guidance and help align your soul to the planets.

Star or cloud gaze, from a few hundred feet into the air. To thousands of miles into the galaxy. It is all connected through a series of events. Which in turn places us amongst them.

3. Give yourself a little R&R

Our souls much like our body after doing something strenuous. Or our minds after experiencing a traumatic or life changing event. Needs to recharge. Take some time to slow things down and get some extra sleep. Relax and allow your spirit to rejuvenate without having to worry about any of the situations that may be weighing on it.

Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Disconnect from all things that could be weighing on your soul for a day or two.

Once you have discovered a method that works for you; you might start to notice the feelings of balance. But if no method seems to work, try scheduling an appointment for negative energy cleansings I provide. I will be able to help with the identification of the best ritual for YOU. As well as guiding you through the necessary resources and overall ritual. You must try to incorporate spiritual self-care into your daily, or weekly routine. And as you continue to, you can begin to unlock the path to true balance.

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