From episode: Unlocking Your True Potential: Overcoming Negative Energy to Thrive in Love, Work, and Relationships
you experienced a time in your life where everything was going good? You were feeling confident, work was working out, love was working out. It just seemed like the stars lined up, the universe was supporting you and you really felt good and it felt almost magical. And then suddenly it all disappeared and everything went upside down. I'm wondering how many of my listeners have had this kind of experience in their lives and are trying to get back to where they once were, but no matter how hard they're trying, it's like to no avail. It's just not working. It's like getting close, slipping back, getting close, slipping back. And sometimes you might even want to just go ahead and throw in the towel, but you really can't because you're like, so like what happened? Everything was perfect. How did this happen? Well, obviously something changed. Okay. And many of us believe that it's some kind of an outside event that took place and changed everything. I mean, it's possible of course that something on the outside has changed, but I have found through my experience and working for people for so many years, I mean decades here, that a lot of it has to do with stuff that actually changed inside and that energy is radiating outward. You know, try to remember the time when you had that good time, you were independent, you were feeling good, you were feeling confident. This energy was radiating everywhere. Okay. Whoever you connected with, whether it be your job, whether it be your love life, whatever the case was, that energy was showing up. You were showing up as your best self, but that isn't happening anymore. Now, let me tell you what, it has nothing to do with the time you got to work, what you're wearing or anything like that. What it has to do with is something shifted the energy and you're no longer showing up as your best self. Meaning if there's something that's causing you to radiate fear, anxiety, worry, stress, low confidence, self -esteem, of course that's going to have a negative impact on everything in your life. And what you need to do is just stop fighting for a little bit. You need to take a step back and really sit down and reflect. Because sometimes negative energy can enter into our lives because of something we may have done or something that happened to us that caused a shift in us. And that shift is starting to radiate outward the energy and an energy we don't want to radiate outward, but it's having an impact on our lives, in our relationships with family, friends, romantic partners. It's affecting our job. We're not making as much money as we used to. We feel like across the board we're going down instead of up. And we struggle to find a logical explanation for all of that. Well sometimes in life there is no logical explanation. And this is where you have to start thinking about spiritual explanations when you run out of logical possibilities. And negative energy is real. It is real. And like I said, this kind of stuff has been discussed for thousands of years. So you know there's got to be something to