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My Healing House Is a One-Stop Shop for Mind, Body, And Spirit

From episode: Psychic/Medium Christine Wallace What Is The Healing House SF Bay Area

everybody. I am Christine Wallace and I do psychic and tarot card readings. I'm also a medium as well as a healer. So basically I want to introduce you to what it is that I do and offer. I have been working as a psychic medium for the last at least 30 years. I think it's a little bit more actually but I'm being said it's always been my dream and goal to basically have one place one place where I offer all kinds of healing. So what does that mean? That means that I have created a healing house and I am currently in Newark California and here I do workshops, speaking events, healing events. I do Reiki healing. We have massage. I also sell candles, oils, crystals. It's a boutique as well and I plan to incorporate even more. So my goal was to create a place where people can go to get any kind of help they need whether it be something which is spiritual in nature, psychological and you know just anything to heal the mind the body and the spirit. So I'm a big believer in balancing out the mind the body and the spirit. Having them work together in unison is a really big deal because when you have that going on you are truly your best self. This is when you're your most creative. This is when you're the most aware. This is when you're feeling good and inspired. When you're in a dark mindset something is off. You know maybe you're too much in your head and thinking negative intrusive thoughts or maybe you're not physically active enough or you're not leaning enough into your spiritual beliefs and it's having a negative impact on your life. So that's the idea of the healing house. So moving forward I just want to have people you know whatever their issues are whatever their needs are to have a place to come to get the guidance and advice whether it be like I said mental physical spiritual it's all going to be here. So with your support we can be able to accomplish this and I it's I want it to be you know because it's really coming from my heart to help people because in the last 30 years me working as a psychic medium spiritual healer I meet all kinds of people with all kinds of different problems. Now with that being said there's actually a lot that I can do meaning if people are having problems in a in a relationship they want to know what if they're with their soul mate or not or how to work to restore a broken relationship with someone that they love and care for or if they're struggling it with a co -worker or in business or just generally not feeling well I there are there are a lot of different services that I offer but there are some things that are you know obviously out of my scope for example I'm bringing in a shaman on September the 3rd and I wanted of course to get the best where a shaman is kind of like in his lineage so he's like the real thing a real shaman and on August 30th I am bringing in a speaker Sunil who is an author and he is really good as far as encouraging inspiring helping you to self examine and to you know make some adjustments or changes in your life that are just gonna give you better results whether that be in love money career whatever the case so he's gonna be coming into the speaking event as well well there are two different events happening so like I said it's it's all about dealing with the different parts of a person and this being done under one roof I think is great


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