My next podcast episode will be talking about rejection, how it debilitates us and most importantly working on overcoming the fear of it.
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Fear of Rejection and How to Deal With It
Rejection is something that we get to experience in our lives. It is a common emotional wound that goes deep into our souls if we fail to deal with it. Because of a lot of factors that affect our emotional stability and how we see things.
Thanks to social media, we get to realize that not everything is worth the praise or adoration. Yet, we might feel dejected or sad because things are not how we expected. Our risks of rejection happen when we devote ourselves to things that others find unusual.
Recent trends and social media are some of the minor causes of rejections. Yet, we are still vulnerable to major objections that can devastate how we see things. As humans, we need to know how to deal with it. We have to make things better by sharing them with someone. Or by freeing ourselves from all the hurt by seeking professional help.
Because no matter how big or small the rejection we experienced, one thing’s for sure - it always hurts. That kind of hurt is not something to overlook or ignore. We have to know what to do and who to call.
Rejection and Its Causes
Why does it feel like we are not part of a certain group? Why does it ruin our mood whenever people ignore our posts? Why do we feel left out when people talk about something? Why does it really hurt so badly?
Being rejected might lead us to question our whole being. We might end up feeling worse when a day passes by. Rejection happens for a variety of reasons and scenarios. Normally, rejection is an act of ignoring someone that happens to walk into our lives. Here are some reasons that affect our emotional stability:
Family and Personal Relationships
Family, a group of people that enables us to be ourselves and who accepts who we are. They are the people that we trust and care about the most. Yet, it is inevitable to avoid family feuds. Family rejection hurts more than we expected.
Normally, our family and personal relationships can make us feel content, happy, and whole. However, one small issue or rejection can turn a person’s life upside down. It might feel like we are not accepted and loved. Therefore, family plays an important role in the life of a person.
Mental and Emotional Stability
Living in a world that’s full of judgment might destroy our mental and emotional stability. Of course, emotional pain happens to all people. Yet, the degree of that pain differs per person. People who experienced rejection were likely to change their behavior.
Social Media and Electronic Devices
As technology becomes important, we may tend to depend on it. Also, we tend to share our daily routines online by posting them on various social media sites. But, we are vulnerable to rejections.
With this, we might feel that we are not enough. We might feel sad and lonely. Unfortunately, self-infliction happens when rejected. We end up calling ourselves names, lament on things or feel like we do not belong. With this, we end up hurting ourselves more and cause more damage to our being.
The Fear of Rejection
The fear of rejection started way back in the evolutionary period. Tribe members who fail to follow rules are subject to rejection and ostracization. Rejection can force someone to change their behaviors. Basically, a person will end up living according to the standards of the area.
Nowadays, a lot of people hold themselves back to avoid rejection. They are afraid to experience and be the subject of rejection. Fear of or from others can lead to chronic feelings like loneliness, depression, and emptiness.
Deal With Rejected and Seek Personal Improvement
Hurting our self-esteem can bring more damage to our well-being. Doing so is both physically and psychologically unhealthy. The good news is we can do something about it. We can deal with it by soothing our emotional and mental pains. Also, we can professionally help and do self-improvements.
By all means, review what really happened and assess it. With this, we can do a better job when it happens the second time. Going through all our own deficiencies can help us better ourselves and understand why things “didn’t work out”.
It is ideal to remind ourselves of our shortcomings and strengths. Reminding ourselves of what we can offer can bring our confidence up. It is better to reduce our emotional pain and move forward with a new mindset.
Seeking professional help will always be the best option before things get worse. It is a great feeling to have someone we can talk to without restricting ourselves. We can schedule a regular session where we can talk freely without restraint.
Psychic Readings might help us boost our self-worth by knowing what our future holds. Also, we can have a life coach who can help us deal with the problems. You can download and purchase this Spiritual Planner to help us in our daily walk.
Also, you can subscribe to my newsletter and purchase book appointments. We sometimes give free sample gifts to those who subscribe. So, let us free ourselves from all hurt and renew our minds by having someone to talk about it.
