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Meet Your Animal Spirit Guides for Better Confidence, and Self Awareness

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

The idea of Spirit Animals comes from sacred Native American traditions, developed overtime from people who had lived closely with the land for many many generations. In our present day, many of us can benefit from becoming more connected to the land and its many creatures. While respecting these traditions, we can still connect with Animal Guides in our lives.

To be honest, you are likely being contacted by animal spirits already, whether or not you are aware of it. The butterfly that circled over your head, the crow you see on your way to work, the wolf in your dreams, They likely hold important messages, support, and healing for you along your journey. Some animal guides will be with you for life, some will visit during certain life chapters.

Have you ever met someone who reminds you of a mother bear, a sassy dragon, or a bunny rabbit? it is quite possible that these people are well linked to their brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom. These are just a few ways an animal guide can show up, and knowing them will help you better know yourself and play to your strengths.

Walk with me, tune in, and we can uncover what animal spirits surround you in the physical and spiritual realms.

What Animal Energies Come Naturally to You?

First step, take a look in the mirror. Send yourself love, view your features, your hair, your build. Do they remind you of any animal in particular? How about your type of movement? Do you see yourself moving quickly, slowly, heavily, light-footedly? How about your diet, the foods that make you feel good, the way your teeth are? If you can recognize some animal characteristics in yourself, you are tuning into your lifelong Animal Spirit Guides.

Are there animal spirits that walk alongside your family? Many families have animal likenesses that are passed down as well. For example, my last name means "family of bears" , and because of this I have learned to be sturdy, warm, rest deeply when needed, and be cuddly yet protective when necessary.

When an animal comes to mind, what are some characteristics that you like about this creature. Are they present in your life, would they be good for you to work on? Sometimes we can comfort ourselves and become more effective when we provide a type of support that would be helpful for an animal that we see in ourselves. For example, Squirrels feel safer in the winter when they are well prepared, snakes grow best when they leave a skin behind every once in a while, and birds see best when they zoom out and view from a distance.

Are There Animal Messages Trying to Reach You?

Is there a certain animal you've been seeing lately? This could be in real life, dreams, meditation, artwork, movies, music, anything really. These animals mean different things depending upon your own personal present experience, so always think first about what they mean to you. That said, I'd love to list some prominent Animal Spirit guides below and what messages/attributes they can bring.

Owl- wisdom, long life, music, community, learning from study and experience, echolocation (what you send out comes back), taking the best from a situation and spitting out the rest, boundaries, high vantage point

Crow- a need to let something go, a sign that something is leaving, strength in the face of adversity

Cardinal- ancestors visiting, a sign that everything will be okay/ work out for the best, bravery, boldness, happiness

Fly- a sign that something in your life needs to be cleaned out, a need to call in positive energy

Cats- slyness, confidence, intelligence, going after goals in a meaningful way (huntress), night vision and independence

Squirrel- preparation, flightiness with others, quick movement, playfulness

Wolf- strength, kinship, being part of a group, having eachothers backs, bravery, loyalty, self sufficiency within the pack

Snake- new cycles, flexibility, groundedness, the need to shed, new identities, defensiveness, deep transformation

Butterfly- freedom, completion of a cycle, transformation on the horizon, joy, bliss, lightheartedness being encouraged and supported.

Building and Supporting your Relationship to your Animal Guide

When animals show up to work with you (symbolically or in the physical world), it is an opportunity for you to start strengthening the bond you have. Just like our interactions with other humans or other deities, it is important to show gratitude and let them know that they are appreciated. You can do this by honoring their presence, singing back and forth with the birds, or keeping trinkets, jewelry, seashells, feathers, etc with you or in your home to remind you of them and hold space for the energy. If you like, you can also do some research to learn about the animals behaviors and tendencies, and journal about how they may fit into your life.

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