By Evelyn Behrends

Befriending fear , and overcoming your anxiety about the future, to move forward joyfully When we look forward to the future, there is often a want to know what will happen. It is often said that it is important to be in the present moment, but how can we do this? We are all journeyers. Sometimes we travel alongside others, and sometimes we set out on our own path. You are truly the author of your own life. This is an empowering thought, and can also cause stress if we do not know where we are headed. Please know that you are never truly alone, and that there are some tools in this post to help you navigate into the future, knowing that you are so capable and that the road will in fact rise to meet you. The unknown can be scary, yet it is also the land of opportunity. The difference between the two is not in the unknown itself, but in your view of things. If you spend time thinking about what could go wrong, ask yourself, what if things turn out way better than expected? Imagine yourself on a journey; you have what you need with you for the present moment. Yet you still feel anxious about what is to come. This is tough because you deserve to feel happy and at peace, and feeling anxious can make it hard to navigate well. I can assure you, there is a better way. The truth is, your life doesn’t live on the horizon, it lives with you, in this present moment. And the present moment can feel much better when you have some sense of direction, a sense of trust, and a knowledge of your current skills and helpers that walk alongside you. These are all available to you, let me help you find them. Every journey has one thing in common, a destination. To feel a sense of peace, we must know where we are headed. This doesn’t always mean knowing how you will get there. Our desires, when held gently, can be like guiding points to navigate by, like bright stars to guide you on the darkest of nights. Below is a worksheet to help you understand them, and a guide for you if you feel that you don’t quite know what you want.
I’ll explain first a bit about the exercise, and how it works in calming any fears and getting you to a good place. This worksheet helps you get in touch with yourself. What do you want, and why do you want it? The answer to this second question is more likely the helpful one This is because the universe works in mysterious ways, and can deliver our WHY in unexpected ways, better than we could ever imagine. As an example , say I want my next art market to make a lot of sales because I want my pottery business to be successful. Why? Because I want to share my art with others, have financial stability, feel successful, and believe that my work is worthwhile (and more deeply, believe that I am worthwhile) The universe can help me share my art, have stability, feel successful and worthwhile in so many different ways. It would be great if the market worked out, but my true WHY goals are at the heart of this wish. And if I am open about how they are achieved, I open up space for the universe to work its magic, space for me to be pleasantly surprised by new versions of success. In the meanwhile, I can align with my why’s in small ways. For example, I can share my art with family and friends by giving gifts, showing my creations, or joining a pottery club. I can believe my work is worthwhile by doing affirmations, and listing the things I like about them, and remembering compliments I’ve received in the past, and by seeing how much my work has improved since I started. And this whole process of trusting and aligning with the why takes the pressure off so I can find peace in the present moment too. Aligning with Destiny’s Destination What is my goal or wish?Why do I want this? What can I do in the present moment to align with my why?Am I open to receiving help in unexpected ways to reach this why goal ? This chart is a prayer to the Angels. This chart is a prayer to the Angels. I trust that goodness will find me, and I see the goodness that is here already. If my goal is to climb the top of a mountain, does it matter if I get there on foot like I am planning, or would I be open to being brought on horseback, or a cart, or with a group of experienced travelers? Miracles can arrive when we are open to them, and we can miss them if we are too fixated on our own ideas of how they can happen. Either way, I am thankful for my good hiking shoes. And what if I don’t know what I want? The most effective goals are the goals that allow us to help others. The universe loves to assist people who are looking to help others, because the help they offer can allow goodness to spread and multiply. Your own stability, once established, will allow you to give to others more freely, so it is okay to have “selfish” goals. Think of what brings you joy, what you liked as a child is often a good place to start, as these were our desires before the world started offering us limiting beliefs. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What would you like to see more of in the world? It is likely that somewhere in there is a good goal for you. And wanting to be happy and stable counts too, if you are open minded about how it comes about for you. In Conclusion Things will work out in time, and by taking the time to do these practices you are showing that you are on a good path towards a bright future. Nothing in nature blooms year round, so go easy on yourself if you are in a slow season. All things in good timing my friend, enjoy the present moment and trust that on your journey, the road will rise to meet you, if you open your heart and allow it to. (A healthy dose of magical realness, from me to you). And good luck on your travels, fellow journeyer.
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