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Best Psychic Relationship Advisor

Good morning everyone!,

I'm sure this virus is getting everyone down right now but as sad and awful as this is there's a ying and yang to everything. I had mentioned this on my podcast

before that this is mother natures way of cleaning up house and this next thing I hear is how the the planet is changing for the better.

In any case please don't overwhelm yourself with the news, give it 10-20 minutes of your day and move on. Please use this time to organize your home, start getting that business idea moving that

s been put off that you were too busy to pursue, Ya remember that book you never had the time to write?.

So many ppl right now in romantic relationships are getting under each others skin too much togetherness ! oh yes this could be a problem so please be sure to give your partner a little bit of space from time to time and this is for you too. Make the time together light and easy, this is know time to bring up issues from the past or stuff that is troubling you. I did lots of advise on this topic in my patreon  there's no better time than now to take advantage of your free 5 minutes first time reading 

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