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Lucky charms

Gana puntos y conviértelos en recompensas

  1. 01


    • Regístrate como miembro para comenzar a disfrutar del programa de fidelización

  2. 02

    Gana puntos

    • Book a session

      Obtén 10 Lucky charms 🍀

    • Buy a ticket

      Obtén 10 Lucky charms 🍀 cada vez que gastas USD 1

    • Order a plan

      Obtén 10 Lucky charms 🍀 cada vez que gastas USD 1

    • Purchase a product

      Obtén 10 Lucky charms 🍀 cada vez que gastas USD 1

    • RSVP to an event

      Obtén 10 Lucky charms 🍀

    • Sign up to the site

      Obtén 50 Lucky charms 🍀

    • earn points with any services

      Obtén 10 Lucky charms 🍀

  3. 03

    Canjea recompensas

    • 10% off all tickets

      10 Lucky charms 🍀 = 10% de descuento el ítem de menor precio en el carrito

    • 10% off all services

      10 Lucky charms 🍀 = 10% de descuento el ítem de menor precio en el carrito

    • 10% off all products

      10 Lucky charms 🍀 = 10% de descuento el ítem de menor precio en el carrito

    • 10% off all store products

      10 Lucky charms 🍀 = 10% de descuento en todos los productos de la tienda

    • 10% off all events

      10 Lucky charms 🍀 = 10% de descuento en todas las entradas

    • 10% off all bookings

      10 Lucky charms 🍀 = 10% de descuento el ítem de menor precio en el carrito

10 US$
20 US$
30 US$

🌿 Help Build a Spiritual Sanctuary 🌿

I am dedicated to creating a sacred space where the mind, body, and spirit can heal and thrive. This will be a place of peace, transformation, and connection—where people can find guidance, restore their energy, and embrace their true selves.

Your support through donations will help bring this vision to life, providing a haven for spiritual growth, healing, and empowerment. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to making this dream a reality.


I love helping people to develop the tools they need to cope with life challenges, and I get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive. Contact me today and let the healing process begin.
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Text Join Along with your Email To 315-818-8603 to subscribe

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